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Celebrity : Fascination with Marilyn Monroe
Christina at the
2002 Grammys

JulianA writes: Shelly, is there a reason that Christina is so fascinated with Marilyn Monroe? She's always just answered that she loves her in interviews, but has never given a reason. Is there one?

Shelly: To be honest, we've never really thought about 'why' she likes Marilyn any more than anyone analyzes why they are fascinated by their own hobbies or interests. Good question, though. I don't even think she's given much thought as to why Marilyn fascinates her. I would assume that it is the whole aura surrounding Marilyn's story.

At least, that's it for me. It's well known that Marilyn was seen as having everything..the glitter, the glamour, the money, the fame. Yet it was also well known that the media, the shallow and cruel side of human nature hurt her deeply. Christina is very, very 'real' (precisely what ticks some people off!). There are no deep, dark strategies or meanings behind 'why' she wore this or that or 'why' her hair was in braids this time versus out of braids another.

The part of this business that Christina dislikes is the shallowness....the nonsense people believe, how success threatens mean-spirited people, the glitz that means nothing compared to the fans, etc. This is my own opinion, but I'm guessing that perhaps that is what she likes about Marilyn. She was just a real person who was often or plain misunderstood. I think she perhaps admired yet felt bad for her. Please keep in mind now, this is MY opinion. I'll have to ask Christina next time I talk to her to find out for sure, and then get back to you.
