Christina hosting the
2001 Radio Music Awards
A fan asks: Is this true about Christina? Please answer me in
'The Rumor Mill.' Thanks! "Unlike some of her teen queen colleagues,
Christina makes no bones about her wild side. As she told Teen People,
'If I tried to live that perfect role-model thing, I would still fail
because everybody has a different opinion of what that should be.'
Christina isn't afraid show a lot of skin; she lashed right back at
Eminem after his high-profile diss of the Genie; and she has 12 --
count 'em, 12 -- piercings."
I did hear on TRL that Christina actually said that she had 12
piercings, but they were all hidden. Well I don't doubt Christina,
but someone told me the other day that they read somewhere that
Christina said that sometimes she says things just to get a rise
out of people. So I was wondering if it it true or not. Also, Shelly,
how do you feel about the nose ring? I think it actually looks classy,
and I really like it on her, and usually I don't like piercings
on people's faces. I was shocked how much I liked it on Christina.
As a mother how do you feel about it? Thanks for reading this.
Shelly responds: Well, when Christina first began to become
an adult out on her own, it was odd for me to not have her here
all the time, etc. But the one thing that I always have been determined
with as far as myself is concerned, is to love my kids for who they
are. Oh, I'll tell her in a heartbeat if something she does or says
offends me or upsets me. BUT, I'm also one who won't allow myself
to lose my head over what I consider to be shallow and stupid things.
I personally think that WAAAAY too many parents do overreact. (Lord,
I'm going to get mail now!) But really...they don't seem to know
the difference between the different levels of depth and importance
that things have in their kids lives. It's often that if THEY would
do something or can understand something, then it's okay that their
kids do it. But if they wouldn't do it, their kids can't either--even
though the kids are grown! It's much easier to scream and shut down
when faced with something that might rock the boat a little.
If more people thought things out more carefully and without so
much fear, they'd find that the world isn't ending, and they'd flip
out a WHOLE lot less. I know. I used to be one of those 'flipper-outers'
when I was a new mom.
To me, it's no big deal. Sure, something I wouldn't do myself,
but what's that got to do with it? I'm not Christina, and Christina
isn't me, and I respect that! I'm her mom, not her owner, so when
she does something different, unless it's something that I consider
morally wrong, then why should it bother me? And here's the big
question...if it doesn't bother me, why in heaven's name should
it bother other people?
Thanks. Hope this answers your question a bit about how I look
at things.